
What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is an aesthetic surgical procedure performed to improve a person’s look by changing the shape of the nose. Rhinoplasty aims to ensure the correct ratio between the nose and the face by changing the size, shape and position of the nose. In addition, rhinoplasty can also be performed to correct structural abnormalities of the nose or breathing problems.

Types of Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty procedures can be performed in different ways according to the needs and expectations of the person. Here are the most common rhinoplasty procedures:

  1. Open Rhinoplasty: In rhinoplasty surgery, an incision is made in the area between the nostrils and the cartilage and bones of the nose are opened. This procedure is used to correct severe nasal deformities.
  2. Closed Rhinoplasty: This procedure is a technique performed with a smaller incision in rhinoplasty surgery. The cartilage and bones inside the nostrils are accessed and the shape of the nose is changed.
  3. Reconstructive Rhinoplasty: This procedure is an operation performed to correct nasal deformities. The cartilage and bones of the nose may need to be reshaped or reconstructed.
  4. Rhinoplasty With Filler: In this procedure, the nose is shaped using hyaluronic acid fillers. This procedure is usually used to make small changes.

Who Is the Suitable Candidate For Rhinoplasty?

The suitable candidate for rhinoplasty is people who want to change the shape or size of their nose, but have a good general health condition. Rhinoplasty procedures are usually recommended for people over the age of 18. In addition, people who smoke cigarettes and people with serious health problems are not suitable candidates for a rhinoplasty procedure.

Rhinoplasty Procedure and the Healing Process

The rhinoplasty procedure is usually performed under local or general anesthesia and takes 1-2 hours. During the procedure, the nasal cartilage and bones are reshaped, and the nasal skin is properly placed. After the rhinoplasty surgery, a plaster or bandage can be applied on the nose and a tampon can be placed in the nose. Pain and swelling may be felt after surgery, but this can usually be alleviated with painkillers and cold compresses.

The healing process may vary depending on the person’s health condition and the procedure performed. However, swelling and bruising around the nose can usually be felt within the first week. In the first few days, your nose may become stuffy and you may have difficulty breathing. This is a normal condition and is corrected by removing the tampons in the nose. During the first week, the plaster or bandage on the nose can be removed and the stitches on the nose can be removed. During this process, it is important to avoid touching the nose area or hitting hard objects.

The full recovery process usually takes 6-12 months. The shape and size of the nose can change significantly in the first few months. In addition, time is required for the tissues inside the nose to fully heal and for the shape of the nose to provide the desired result. In this process, it is important to follow the doctor’s recommendations about regular check-ups and to do recommended activities during the recovery process.

What Are the Points To Take Into Consideration About Rhinoplasty?

There are some points to take into consideration before and after the rhinoplasty surgery. Here are some points to consider about rhinoplasty:

  1. Choose the right doctor: It is very important that the doctor you choose for the rhinoplasty is trained and experienced. Therefore, choose the right doctor by viewing the doctor’s certificates and references.
  2. Adopt a healthy life before surgery: Stay away from habits that affect your health such as smoking, alcohol before surgery. Eat properly and pay attention to your sleeping pattern.
  3. Act the preoperative consultation and preparation process accordingly: Talk to your doctor to get information about the preparations you need to make before the surgery. Have the necessary tests and examinations done.
  4. Follow the recovery process after the surgery: Follow the recommendations of your doctor about regular check-ups after surgery. Rest, feed and take your medicines on time in accordance with the recommendations during the recovery process.
  5. Protect from the sun: The nasal area should be protected from sunlight after surgery. Therefore, it is important to wear a sunscreen hat or sunglasses as long as there is a plaster on the nose after the surgery.
  6. Restrict your activities: Avoid heavy physical activity for several weeks after surgery. Especially stay away from sports that can get a blow on the nose.
  7. Be prepared for unexpected situations after the surgery: Unexpected situations may occur after the surgery. For this reason, carefully follow the instructions given by your doctor after the surgery and keep a phone number where you can reach your doctor in case of emergency.

By paying attention to these measures, you can get the best result from the rhinoplasty procedure and have a healthy recovery process.