
What is DHI Hair Transplant?

DHI hair transplant refers to direct hair implantation and is based on the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) technique. The FUE technique allows taking hair follicles one by one from the scalp and transferring them to the area to be transplanted. DHI hair transplant is an improved version of the FUE technique. The DHI technique is based on injecting the hair follicles directly into the area to be transplanted. For this reason, the name of the technique is also referred to as “direct hair implantation”.

How is DHI Hair Transplant Performed?

DHI hair transplant is performed primarily by injecting hair follicles taken from a certain area of the scalp directly into the area to be transplanted. This operation is performed using a special device. The device takes the hair follicles at a certain angle and then injects them directly into the area to be transplanted. Thanks to this, the hair follicles are quickly placed and help to create a natural-looking hairline.

How is the DHI Hair Transplant Healing Process?

DHI hair transplant operation is not as invasive as other hair transplantation techniques and the postoperative healing process is quite fast. Small-scale blisters and rashes may occur on the scalp after the operation. However, these symptoms usually pass within a few days. During the healing process, itching and tenderness may occur on the scalp. For this, you can use the medications recommended by your doctor. In addition, it is recommended to avoid heavy sports and activities for the first few days after the operation.

How is the DHI Hair Transplant Operation and the Healing Process?

DHI hair transplant is performed under local anesthesia as in other hair transplantation techniques. But DHI hair transplant is a technique that allows hair follicles to be removed one by one and then transplanted one by one.

The DHI hair transplant operation usually takes 4-8 hours, and the duration of the operation may vary depending on the degree of hair loss of the person and how many hair follicles will be transplanted. After the operation, the patient may feel some pain and swelling for a few days. However, these symptoms are usually slight and get over within a few days.

The healing process is faster after DHI hair transplant operation than other hair transplantation techniques. Since there are no cuts on the scalp, there are no suture marks, and the patient can return to his daily life the next day after the operation. However, due to the sensitivity of the scalp, blows and friction should be avoided for a while.

After DHI hair transplant, it is necessary to wait at least 6 months for the hair follicles to hold on and for new hair to grow. During this process, a person can wash their hair normally and allow their hair to grow naturally.

What Are The Points To Take Into Consideration About DHI Hair Transplant?

DHI hair transplant is performed using a different technique compared to other hair transplantation methods. Therefore, there are some points to take into consideration after the application. Here are the things to consider about DHI hair transplant:

  1. Choosing Doctor: DHI hair transplant operation should be performed by a specialist physician. Before having a hair transplant, make sure to do research about your doctor’s competence and experience.
  2. Medication Use: Make sure to use the medications that you will use after DHI hair transplant as recommended by your doctor. Antibiotics, painkillers, and other medications are important to speed up your healing process.
  3. Washing Process: It is very important to wash your hair after DHI hair transplant, but you must do this process correctly. The first washing process is usually done after 2-3 days. Wash your hair gently without rubbing during the washing process.
  4. Sports and Exercise: Avoid heavy exercises for at least 10 days after DHI hair transplant. Heavy sports can cause damage to the hair follicles. However, you can do light workouts.
  5. Alcohol and Smoking: Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption for at least 10 days after the DHI hair transplant operation. Alcohol and smoking can negatively affect the healing process.
  6. Nutrition: Pay attention to eat healthily after DHI hair transplant. Try to drink plenty of water and consume protein-based foods. This will help your hair to recover quickly.

These are some important points to be considered after DHI hair transplant. By following these recommendations, you can ensure to complete the process successfully.